Get access to Valeri and uncover great quality data and insights for every available property. As a subscriber you will get access to:
Access property details, such as amenities, property metrics and last sale information.
We provide assessment of the risk of soil cracking, underlying soil type, likely foundations, and footing construction.
We instantly estimate the market value of a residential property including the value of land and any buildings or structures it contains (low and high range).
Gain insights into demographic profiles and property price trends
This detailed report provides qualitative and quantitative information of the study area and a comprehensive overview of local property markets, including neighbourhood sales history, analysis, trends, and comparisons.
This comprehensive report provides detailed, accurate and tailored value estimates of the property, incorporating recent sales activity considering land economics and neighbourhood profiles.
This unique report provides property owners or prospective developers unique insights into the possibility and potential of land subdivision and redevelopment timelines.
*Individual subscription automatically renews monthly at AU$49 (incl. GST) after the trial period. You can cancel it at any time.